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The 7 Main Benefits of Squat For Women, How to do, and Warning

The 7 Main Benefits of Squat For Women, How to do, and Warning


Because of the importance of squat for women and the benefits it gives to the body in general, we will talk in this article about everything about this exercise, its benefits, its types, how to do and other important things.


Let’s get to know at first, what’s squatting?

It is a common exercise among athletes, practiced by weightlifters and bodybuilders in particular, and benefits most of the muscles of the body, especially the buttocks, thighs, lower abdomen and back, and is described as a quick exercise that leads to body tightening, and is practiced by women. More often than men, because many women suffer from sagging in several areas of their bodies, as a result of pregnancy, repeated childbirth, or unhealthy dietary development, and to get rid of these problems, exercise should be done continuously, and be an integral part of daily life, Sport is the title of health, and it is important to maintain a consistent and consistent body. One of the most important exercises to maintain a tight and graceful body is a squat exercise.


Muscles used in the squat:

The exercise is not limited to one muscle exercise, but many of the muscles of the body are used during this exercise, and the most basic muscles used in this exercise are:

  • Gluteus Muscle
  • Quadriceps muscle
  • Erector Spinae Muscle
  • Stomach muscles
  • Muscles of the knee
  • Adductor muscles


Types of squats:

The squat exercise has several types, each with specific benefits.

These types are:

  •  Exercise without weights.
  • Exercise with weights.
  • Exercise on one front.
  •  Exercise with jumping.



How to do squatting?

When starting to exercise, it is necessary to make some warm-up movements to avoid muscle tearing or injuries to the muscle, and this is done for at least 10 minutes, and then start performing the exercise, especially in the difficult exercises that require a high effort. Like a squat.  Squatting doesn’t require a lot of tools or space to perform, such as walking and running, but it’s enough to have a little space to exercise, as well as weights if it’s required.


Squats without weights:

Performance of the exercise without weights is done as follows:      The 7 Main Benefits of Squat For Women, How to do, and Warning

  • Stand upright with trying to separate the feet so that they are the same or more shoulder-level.
  • To calm and balance the position of the silo until a corner is formed between the thigh and the duck, while keeping the back up, in order to avoid any injuries.
  • Re-standing by pushing the body up using the muscles of the foreand the back, with the need to maintain the integrity of the back.
  • For a single squat in each round, it is done with the same steps for a normal squat exercise, but the descent is on only one leg, and this exercise is good in the back muscles of the legs and buttocks, and to get rid of cellulite.


Squats with weights:

These exercises are a difficult exercise, and the likelihood of an injury is high.

  • After Barbell is fitted with weights, the hands are placed on it with a larger opening than the level of the shoulders.
  • Get under the barbell and fasten it to the muscles on the neck.
  • Lift the barbell and open the legs at the same level or larger shoulders.
  • Opening the feet slightly to the outside.
  • Start slowly in the sitting position with the need to keep the back upright, and continue to go down until an angle is formed between the thigh and the leg.
  • Rise up by pushing the body with the back and neck muscles, and the back should stay upright to avoid any serious injuries.


The 7 Main Benefits of Squat For Women, How to do, and Warning




Benefits of squats for women:

 Improving circulation

Squats help stretch the muscles of the body that occurs during squat squats in pumping blood throughout the body as well as improving overall health, where the activation of blood circulation is associated with the arrival of food and oxygen to all organs and vital areas of the body, which helps to get rid of Cellulite also, in addition to the ability of these exercises to burn the accumulated fat in the body.


Strengthening the muscles of the legs

Dr. Laskowski said squatting exercises are resistance exercises that target the muscles of the legs and, more accurately, target the quadriceps and inner knee muscles, and help increase their strength protect your knees and be able to perform a variety of exercise better.


Improve digestion

Squats exercises help get rid of waste in the body, and muscle movement during this exercise helps improve fluid flow in the body and facilitate the movement of waste inside the intestines, thus continuing to regularly extract waste outside the body.


Strengthening the middle part of the body

Squats exercises help support and strengthen the muscles in the middle of the body that form the essence of the body, as they are the muscles of the abdomen and lower back, and these muscles are used to stabilize the body and maintain balance throughout the exercise, and helps the squats to support the balance of the body and raise its ability to exercise  daily .



Squats exercises help maintain balance of the body, especially with age, as these exercises help strengthen the nerves that control the movement in the leg area, as well as be able to maintain the natural sense of balance that complements the functioning of fluid movement, as well as absorb Muscle behavior supremo techniques that are repeated during exercise.


For pregnant women

It is considered to be good for the pregnant woman and the fetus, as it expands the pelvic cavity area of the pregnant woman, as well as reduces back pain caused by pregnancy.


Weight loss

Squatting significantly reduces weight and reaches the ideal weight in a short period of time.


Pre-exercise tips:

Be careful to do some warm-up and prolonged exercises long enough to avoid muscle damage.
Be careful to use appropriate weights and avoid heavy  weights at the beginning of exercise, which can be gradually increased.
Focus on back erections throughout the exercise to avoid any damage.
If it is difficult for a woman to maintain her back erection, it is good to use some special corsets that protect the back and keep it upright.
It is important to focus on the 60-70 degree drop angle between the ankles and the rear.


Possible injuries to squats exercises:

There are a number of common injuries in squat exercise such as :

  • Slippage, which is common only when using weights, is the result of significant pressure on the vertebrae of the back and neck. A hernia of the muscles of the pelvis.
  • Muscle tension in the muscles of the leg.
  • Broken leg if heavy  weights are used.
  • Knee roughness due to cartilage erosion due to pressure on that area.


The conclusion:

Squats is one of the types of exercise that needs some strength during workout, where many people are reluctant to perform it in the belief that it is difficult exercises and may need a lot of efforts in the process of burning fat, but this belief is completely wrong, where the exercises of squatters move All the lower body muscles, resulting in significant fat burning and increasing body energy during this type of exercise.








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