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Cinnamon for skin, fast and easy recipe for skin cleansing

Cinnamon for skin, fast and easy recipe for skin cleansing

Cinnamon is used for the skin from ancient times to the present day, and as is known, cinnamon is included in many natural recipes in addition to its medicinal uses. In this article, we will focus on cinnamon recipes that are used to soften and purify the skin.


Let’s get to know cinnamon and its nutritional value:

Research and studies have shown that cinnamon ranks first compared to 26 types of medicinal herbs and spices in terms of containing antioxidants, cinnamon has also been known for its many benefits to the skin and body. The distinctive smell, color, and taste of cinnamon come from the oily part of the cinnamon tree, and its health benefits come from the bark of this tree, which contains many special compounds responsible for many health-enhancing properties such as Phenolic compounds, Flavonoids, and antioxidants, these compounds make cinnamon one of the most beneficial spices on earth, where a tablespoon of cinnamon contains only 19 calories, and a high percentage of minerals such as Calcium, Manganese, and Iron, in addition to vitamins, such as vitamin K, as well as fiber, and does not contain never on fat, sugar, and protein.


Cinnamon for a face purification, How?

  • Gives skin high moisture and a fine silky touch.
  • It is an antioxidant, thus delaying the appearance of pyramid marks and aging on the skin.
  • Cleans the skin deeply.
  • It fights fungal infections that affect the skin and cause various diseases.  Cinnamon for skin, fast and easy recipe for skin cleansing
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Treats freckles.
  • Treatment for acne and blisters.
  • Removes fine lines of the skin.
  • Removes melasma, especially those resulting from pregnancy.
  • It boosts the blood circulation of the skin, giving it a youthful appearance.
  • It gives the lips a beautiful look and a pink color and increases their size.


Cinnamon for a skin cleansing:

  • Reducing signs of aging, such as fine lines that may appear on the skin, by increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin, where a mixture of three drops of cinnamon oil and two tablespoons of olive oil is made, and then the mixture is placed on the areas where the lines appear while avoiding the eye area.
  • Treatment of eczema that leads to the exposure of the skin to the irritating heater leaving behind light-colored spots, and this is done by making a mixture of a tablespoon of cinnamon with a tablespoon of natural honey, and then the mixture is added to the affected area in order to eliminate the skin itching, and it is recommended to work A simple test on the skin before using so that the skin does not get irritation  if it is sensitive.
  • Prevent signs of aging, which occurs as a result of the low rate of collagen in the skin with age, where the skin is exposed to the loss of elasticity, which leads to sagging, but the use of cinnamon on the skin increases the rate of collagen in the skin, because it contains the substance “Synamedehyde”.
  • Disinfection and disinfection of various wounds and injuries, by taking a quantity of cinnamon and spraying it on the affected areas, because it contains many antibacterials, bacteria and fungi that prevent infections, and works to kill bacteria and heal wounds quickly.
  • Get rid of dead skin cells and enjoy a soft skin free of any problems, due to their antioxidant properties, and this is done by creating a mixture of sea salt, almond oil, olive oil and natural honey in addition to cinnamon powder, and then paint the skin infected with this mixture to get the result Required.


Cinnamon recipes for skin and face:

Cinnamon and walnut mask:

This mask is effective for oily and mixed skin and works to treat acne, cinnamon activates the blood circulation and exfoliates the skin, while nutmeg acts as an anti-inflammatory, while honey acts as an antibacterial causing love, and it is recommended to do this mask once a week.
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg.
Preparation and use:
Mix all ingredients well with each other, then put on the face for 20 minutes, then wash with cold water with a circular facial massage, then moisturize the face with moisturizing cream.


Cinnamon and banana mask:

This mask is very suitable and effective for tired and dull skin, bananas contain antioxidants and vitamin C, all of which protect the skin from aging effects, while lemon juice refreshes and avoids acne, and yogurt helps nourish and moisturize the skin.
1 tablespoon cinnamon powder, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, mashed banana, 2 tablespoons yogurt.
Preparation and use:
Mix the ingredients well until a soft paste is obtained, placed on the face for 15 minutes, then wash the face with cold water and then moisten it with moisturizing cream.


Cinnamon and aloe vera mask:

This mask is good for removing annoying blackheads but is not recommended if the skin is sensitive.
1 teaspoon cinnamon, 3 teaspoons honey, 2 teaspoons aloe vera.
Preparation and use:
Mix the ingredients well with each other, then put the mixture on the face except the eye area, rub the paste on the face for a whole minute in a circular and slow motion, then leave on the face for 10 minutes, wash the face with water and dry well.


Cinnamon and egg mask:

This mask is one of the most effective masks to restore the shine and color of the skin, as well as to improve and stimulate the skin’s production of collagen needed to tighten the skin and anti-aging, and also helps to remove blackheads from the skin.
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 egg whites.
Preparation and use:
Mix the ingredients well together and then put the mixture on the face except for the eye area, leave on the face for 5 minutes, wash the face with lukewarm water and then dry well.


Cinnamon and yogurt mask:

This mask moisturizes the skin and makes it bright and fresh, as well as removing blackheads.
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 tablespoons yogurt.
Preparation and use:
Mix the ingredients well together and then put the mixture on the face, leave for 20 minutes, wash the face with lukewarm water and dry well.

Cinnamon for skin, fast and easy recipe for skin cleansing


Tips while using cinnamon for the skin:

There are some precautions and tips to consider when using cinnamon recipes:

  • Cinnamon oil gives a lot of benefits, but if it’s highly concentrated, it can cause allergies such as swelling of the skin, mouth ulcers, and skin inflames in some people.
  • It is recommended to perform a simple test on a certain area of the skin before using cinnamon masks or cinnamon oil on the skin, by putting the mixture on the area and paint the mixture in a circular motion, and leave it for several minutes before removing it with a clean cloth, taking this important step determines if the skin is sensitive to cinnamon or not.
  • It is recommended to dilute cinnamon oil with water to avoid any skin inflame.


Benefits of cinnamon for overall body health:

  • Reducing cholesterol, taking cinnamon daily  (120 mg -6 g)  helps reduce levels of total cholesterol, triple delimits and LDL.
  • Pain relief, cinnamon is used to treat pain because it contributes to the reduction and relaxation of muscle tissue.
  • Treat colds and flu, by adding cinnamon to ginger tea or adding a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a tablespoon of honey and taking it twice a day for three days.
  • Prevent arthritis and relieve associated symptoms such as swelling and pain, by adding a teaspoon of cinnamon powder with two tablespoons of honey to a cup of hot water and drinking it twice a day to eliminate pain.
  • Regulate blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics, because cinnamon has properties that help increase the level of insulin, as well as regulate blood sugar levels in people with low blood sugar.
  • Cancer prevention, as cinnamon reduces the growth of cancer cells for more than one type of cancer, such as stomach cancer, skin cancer, leukemia, and lymph node cancer.
  • Relieve pre-menstrual symptoms and associated pain, in order to contain cinnamon on manganese, which helps reduce uterine contractions and mood swings associated with the menstrual cycle.
  • Reducing the chances of dental and gum diseases, cinnamon contributes significantly to killing harmful bacteria without damaging the teeth and gums, so cinnamon oil is introduced into toothpaste and mouthwashes.
  • It helps with weight loss, it burns excess fat and prevents accumulation, for several reasons including speeding up metabolism and burning in the body, in addition to containing Polyphenols that reduce belly fat.








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